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Starting Point is designed to meet people right where they are, to be a conversational environment where people can explore faith, experience community, and find out who we are at Good Shepherd Baptist Church.

There are "classes" which operate after our Sunday morning worship service, held by our Pastor and connection team. We provide lunch, and then discuss relevant topics to help each one in their journey here at Good Shepherd.

Our next Starting Point classes are:

  • Sunday 9 Feb
  • Sunday 16 Feb
  • Sunday 23 Feb

Starting Point is ideal for anyone that is:

- NEW to a relationship with Jesus Christ and looking to build a solid foundation for their faith
- RETURNING to church attendance, having been away for a while
- ATTENDING and wanting to learn more about the church and getting connected
- CURIOUS about God, Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity, but does not have a relationship with Jesus Christ

Register your interest below by clicking I'M INTERESTED and we'll be in touch!